Diabetes Day by Day

Meet Amitabh

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photo of Dr. Amitabh Gautam

At age 63, having missed my annual physical due to COVID and ignoring obvious signs of polyuria and polydipsia, the results of my A1C being over 14 came as a shock. My previous readings were in the 5.6–5.9 range. Overnight, I went from a pancreas transplant surgeon to a type 2 diabetes patient on Lantus and metformin. Having been treating kidney failure patients from diabetes, it was a shock. I requested and convinced my endocrinologist colleague to prescribe me a CGM (Libre 2) in addition to a finger prick monitor. I knew I had put on extra weight and always had a sweet tooth, but the CGM provided valuable information about my own body’s response to various foods, exercise, and medications. After the first two sensors, I have used them only sporadically, but all my subsequent A1C readings have been less than 5.8.