Tools & Resources

Managing Health Care Costs

We know the struggle to afford health care is the reality for many in the U.S.—that's why we're taking a stand by providing tools to help you manage health care costs. 


When Health Care Costs Rise, We Fight Back

Diabetes is the most expensive chronic disease in the U.S., so it's no surprise that many Americans can't afford their health care. We're fighting against this by promoting cost-saving resources and through advocacy to make insulin and health care affordability changes at the federal and state level. 

Tools & Resources

Insulin Cost and Affordability

Insulin saves lives. That’s why we’re fighting to make it more affordable. Stay up-to-date on the latest developments in the fight for affordable insulin.


Health Insurance Aid

Access to medical care is key to managing your diabetes. Get more information on available resources.

man pointing to screen explaining to older couple