Tools & Resources

Humanitarian Response

We are here to help.

Mother with her young daughters

This page will be updated with resources and information to support people with diabetes.

Find Resources in Times of Crisis

The Diabetes Disaster Relief Coalition (DDRC), convened by the American Diabetes Association in partnership with JDRF, Insulin for Life, the Endocrine Society, the American Association of Diabetes Educators, the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists and Research!America, was formed to provide support for people with diabetes affected by recent natural disasters. Find what you need to stay safe, now.

Get Resources  Learn More

Switching Insulin Products

Get our recommendations for switching between insulin products in disaster response situations.

Learn more  En Español

Man holding insulin pen

Help Paying for Insulin

If you are struggling to pay for insulin, the American Diabetes Association has consolidated all the resources you need so that you can find help, fast.


medical vial for injecton