Living with Type 1

Type 1 Diabetes Self-Care Manual

A complete guide to Type 1 Diabetes across the lifespan for the people with diabetes, parents, and caregivers.

Type 1 diabetes self-care manual cover

If you have type 1 diabetes or you care for a loved one or friend who does, you face a lifetime of ever-changing challenges.

The good news is that this complex disease is manageable. The Type 1 Diabetes Self-Care Manual will help guide you through the different phases of life with type 1 diabetes so you can face these challenges with confidence. Written by Drs. Jamie Wood and Anne Peters, two of the leading experts on diabetes clinical care, the manual covers all aspects of type 1 diabetes. Topics discussed include:

Basics of type 1 diabetes

It can be diagnosed at any age and in people of every race, shape, and size. In type 1 diabetes, the immune system mistakenly kills the only insulin producing cells in the body.

Blood glucose goals

Knowing how to react to different blood glucose levels is an ongoing task that you/your child will work on with your health-care team.

Diabetes care team

Primary care provider, Endocrinologist, Certified diabetes educator, Registered dietitian, Eye doctor, Mental health expert, Podiatrist, Pharmacist, Dentist, Exercise physiologist, and Other specialists.

Nutrition and physical activity

There are a few key themes to a healthy diet: lots of fruits and veggies, plenty of whole grains and fiber, and limits on certain proteins, added sugars, and solid fats.


Related to Eyes, Kidneys, Nerves, Heart, Head, Mental and Sexual Health. 

Special considerations for different age groups

Preteens, Teens, and Young Adults