The Amputation Prevention Alliance (APA) developed a set of principles to guide our work to advance purposeful, equitable, and necessary legislation and policy change to protect patients from unnecessary amputations. This includes suggested strategies to increase access to care, ways to improve and incentivize quality care, and approaches to promote collaboration.
- Access: People with diabetes should have timely and equitable access to evidence-supported medical tools, technologies, and services to prevent avoidable amputations.
- Quality: Quality care means avoiding amputations whenever possible. Major amputations should occur only as a last resort.
- Collaboration: Preventing amputations requires a team-based collaborative approach.
The American Diabetes Association® (ADA) appreciates the opportunity to provide input to Congress and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) on policy options that would encourage amputation prevention by ensuring broad access to care, appropriate reimbursement for therapies and procedures, and the development of quality measures.
November 4, 2022, the ADA issues recommendations to Centers for Medicaid & Medicare Services (CMS)
The ADA continues to focus on policies that ensure medicine and insurance coverage are accessible and affordable for our population. We welcome the opportunity to work with the CMS on important topics like accessing health care, understanding provider experiences, advancing health equity, and understanding the impact of COVID-19.
October 31, 2022, the ADA issues a response regarding United States House of Representatives Request for Information: Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA)
The ADA provided feedback on the effectiveness of MACRA, including:
- Regulatory, statutory, and implementation roadblocks that need to be addressed for MACRA to fulfill its purpose of increasing value in the U.S. health care system
- How to increase provider participation in value-based payment models
- Recommendations to improve the Merit-Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) Advanced Alternative Payment Models (APM).
September 6, 2022, the ADA submits comments to Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) in response to the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (PFS) proposed rule for Calendar Year 2023, published in the Federal Register on Friday, July 29, 2022.
The ADA takes a considerable interest in Medicare physician payment system rules, as diabetes is a complex, chronic illness that requires continuous medical care, often from a wide variety of providers. The comments to the CMS on the 2023 Medicare PFS proposed rule are what we consider most important to the interests of people with diabetes and prediabetes.